Netlify's Github app won't install properly

I’m having trouble installing the Netlify app on my Github repo. When I go through the install process, the installation doesn’t seem to complete. Netlify doesn’t automatically build my commits and I don’t see Netify’s checks and branch previews in Github :weary:

I’d like to fix this and have Netlify build my commits and create branch previews!

When I go to my Github settings and navigate to Settings > Applications, I only see the Netlify appear in the Installed GitHub Apps tab. It doesn’t appear in the Authorized GitHub Apps or Authorized OAuth Apps tabs.

:movie_camera: I recorded a video of what I see when trying to install Netlify’s Github app.

When I reinstall the Netlify app on Github, the screens says it will redirect to GitHub where I’ll finish the installation, but it never does. After installing the Github app, I still see the prompt to install the Github app in Netlify:

I’ve included more context in this post. I am able to manually build and deploy my site via the Netlify admin, so I’m not completely blocked from working.

Hey @tedgoas,

I’ve got :eyes: on this and we’ll endeavour to get back to you as soon as the wider team have dug in!

Hey @tedgoas,

Just noticed… the footage was recorded a little while ago. We’ve actually rolled out some changes in this area ~10 days ago. Have you tried in the past week? If not, could you, please? :+1:

Yes, I tried just now and my experience is still the same as the recording.

Hey @tedgoas,

Thanks for bearing with us. I’ve manually gone ahead and bound the repo to your site backend. Can you let me know if this helps? :+1:

1 Like

Hi @Scott, I think that fixed it :tada:. Please take a look at the details below and let me know if you think this looks in order.

Here’s a recording (49mb) of me reinstalling the Netlify app. Before, I would install the app, but my Netlify account page would immediately re-display the prompt to install the Github app. That didn’t happen this time.

I created a test pull request to see if the builds ran and they did. Here’s the result:

6:15:23 PM: Build ready to start
6:15:25 PM: build-image version: ca811f47d4c1cbd1812d1eb6ecb0c977e86d1a1d
6:15:25 PM: build-image tag: v3.3.20
6:15:25 PM: buildbot version: be8ecf2af866e16fa4301cc5c14de2ccbbb21cf4
6:15:25 PM: Fetching cached dependencies
6:15:25 PM: Failed to fetch cache, continuing with build
6:15:25 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
6:15:25 PM: No cached dependencies found. Cloning fresh repo
6:15:25 PM: git clone
6:15:31 PM: Preparing Git Reference pull/121/head
6:15:32 PM: Different build dir detected, going to use the one specified in the Netlify configuration file: '' versus '/' in the Netlify UI
6:15:32 PM: Starting build script
6:15:32 PM: Installing dependencies
6:15:32 PM: Python version set to 2.7
6:15:34 PM: Downloading and installing node v10.22.0...
6:15:34 PM: Downloading
6:15:34 PM: Computing checksum with sha256sum
6:15:34 PM: Checksums matched!
6:15:37 PM: Now using node v10.22.0 (npm v6.14.6)
6:15:37 PM: Started restoring cached build plugins
6:15:37 PM: Finished restoring cached build plugins
6:15:37 PM: Attempting ruby version 2.6.2, read from environment
6:15:38 PM: Using ruby version 2.6.2
6:15:38 PM: Using PHP version 5.6
6:15:38 PM: 5.2 is already installed.
6:15:38 PM: Using Swift version 5.2
6:15:38 PM: Started restoring cached node modules
6:15:38 PM: Finished restoring cached node modules
6:15:39 PM: Installing NPM modules using NPM version 6.14.6
6:15:41 PM: npm WARN deprecated chokidar@2.1.8: Chokidar 2 will break on node v14+. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x less dependencies.
6:15:43 PM: npm WARN deprecated fsevents@1.2.13: fsevents 1 will break on node v14+ and could be using insecure binaries. Upgrade to fsevents 2.
6:15:45 PM: npm WARN deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see
6:15:48 PM: npm WARN deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1:
6:15:51 PM: npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.11: core-js@<3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js@3.
6:16:09 PM: > core-js@2.6.11 postinstall /opt/build/repo/node_modules/core-js
6:16:09 PM: > node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"
6:16:09 PM: > ejs@2.7.4 postinstall /opt/build/repo/node_modules/ejs
6:16:09 PM: > node ./postinstall.js
6:16:10 PM: npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
6:16:10 PM: npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@~2.1.2 (node_modules/chokidar/node_modules/fsevents):
6:16:10 PM: npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.1.3: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
6:16:10 PM: npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@^1.2.7 (node_modules/laravel-mix/node_modules/chokidar/node_modules/fsevents):
6:16:10 PM: npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.13: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
6:16:10 PM: npm WARN notsup Unsupported engine for watchpack-chokidar2@2.0.0: wanted: {"node":"<8.10.0"} (current: {"node":"10.22.0","npm":"6.14.6"})
6:16:10 PM: npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your version of node/npm: watchpack-chokidar2@2.0.0
6:16:10 PM: npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@^1.2.7 (node_modules/watchpack-chokidar2/node_modules/chokidar/node_modules/fsevents):
6:16:10 PM: npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.13: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
6:16:10 PM: npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@^1.2.7 (node_modules/webpack-dev-server/node_modules/chokidar/node_modules/fsevents):
6:16:10 PM: npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.13: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
6:16:10 PM: added 1501 packages from 727 contributors and audited 1505 packages in 30.425s
6:16:10 PM: 39 packages are looking for funding
6:16:10 PM:   run `npm fund` for details
6:16:10 PM: found 1 low severity vulnerability
6:16:10 PM:   run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
6:16:11 PM: NPM modules installed
6:16:11 PM: Started restoring cached go cache
6:16:11 PM: Finished restoring cached go cache
6:16:11 PM: Installing Go version 1.12
6:16:18 PM: unset GOOS;
6:16:18 PM: unset GOARCH;
6:16:18 PM: export GOROOT='/opt/buildhome/.gimme_cache/versions/go1.12.linux.amd64';
6:16:18 PM: export PATH="/opt/buildhome/.gimme_cache/versions/go1.12.linux.amd64/bin:${PATH}";
6:16:18 PM: go version >&2;
6:16:18 PM: export GIMME_ENV="/opt/buildhome/.gimme_cache/env/go1.12.linux.amd64.env"
6:16:18 PM: go version go1.12 linux/amd64
6:16:18 PM: Installing missing commands
6:16:18 PM: Verify run directory
6:16:19 PM: ​
6:16:19 PM: ┌─────────────────────────────┐
6:16:19 PM: │        Netlify Build        │
6:16:19 PM: └─────────────────────────────┘
6:16:19 PM: ​
6:16:19 PM: ❯ Version
6:16:19 PM:   @netlify/build 3.0.1
6:16:19 PM: ​
6:16:19 PM: ❯ Flags
6:16:19 PM:   deployId: 5f20a37b6046570007b847e2
6:16:19 PM:   mode: buildbot
6:16:19 PM: ​
6:16:19 PM: ❯ Current directory
6:16:19 PM:   /opt/build/repo
6:16:19 PM: ​
6:16:19 PM: ❯ Config file
6:16:19 PM:   No config file was defined: using default values.
6:16:19 PM: ​
6:16:19 PM: ❯ Context
6:16:19 PM:   deploy-preview
6:16:19 PM: ​
6:16:19 PM: ❯ Loading plugins
6:16:19 PM:    - netlify-plugin-image-optim@0.3.0 from Netlify app
6:16:19 PM: ​
6:16:19 PM: ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
6:16:19 PM: │ 1. Build command from Netlify app │
6:16:19 PM: └───────────────────────────────────┘
6:16:19 PM: ​
6:16:19 PM: $ npm run production
6:16:19 PM: > skeleventy@2.0.0 production /opt/build/repo
6:16:19 PM: > NODE_ENV=production webpack --progress --hide-modules --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js && npx @11ty/eleventy --config=eleventy.config.js
6:16:22 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 0% compiling
6:16:22 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 0/0 modules 0 active
6:16:22 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 0/1 modules 1 active multi /opt/build/repo/resources/js/main.js /opt/build/repo/resources/sass/main.scss
6:16:22 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 1/1 modules 0 active
6:16:22 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 1/2 modules 1 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??ref--4-0!/opt/build/repo/resources/js/main.js
6:16:22 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 1/3 modules 2 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist/loader.js??ref--5-0!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/style-loader/index.js!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/css-loader/index.js??ref--5-2!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??postcss0!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--5-4!/opt/build/repo/resources/sass/main.scss
6:16:22 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 2/3 modules 1 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??ref--4-0!/opt/build/repo/resources/js/main.js
6:16:22 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 2/4 modules 2 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/css-loader/index.js??ref--5-2!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??postcss0!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--5-4!/opt/build/repo/resources/sass/main.scss
6:16:22 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 2/5 modules 3 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/style-loader/lib/addStyles.js
6:16:23 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 3/5 modules 2 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/css-loader/index.js??ref--5-2!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??postcss0!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--5-4!/opt/build/repo/resources/sass/main.scss
6:16:23 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 4/5 modules 1 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/css-loader/index.js??ref--5-2!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??postcss0!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--5-4!/opt/build/repo/resources/sass/main.scss
6:16:23 PM:    ⚠️  Tailwind is not purging unused styles because no template paths have been provided.
6:16:23 PM:       If you have manually configured PurgeCSS outside of Tailwind or are deliberately not
6:16:23 PM:       removing unused styles, set `purge: false` in your Tailwind config file to silence
6:16:23 PM:       this warning.
6:16:23 PM:    
6:16:23 PM:
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 5/5 modules 0 active
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 5/6 modules 1 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/css-loader/lib/css-base.js
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 5/7 modules 2 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/style-loader/lib/urls.js
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 6/7 modules 1 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/style-loader/lib/urls.js
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 7/7 modules 0 active
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 7/8 modules 1 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??ref--4-0!/opt/build/repo/resources/js/modules/mobile-nav/index.js
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 7/9 modules 2 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??ref--4-0!/opt/build/repo/resources/js/modules/lazyload/index.js
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 10% building 8/9 modules 1 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??ref--4-0!/opt/build/repo/resources/js/modules/lazyload/index.js
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 11% building 9/9 modules 0 active
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 11% building 9/10 modules 1 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??ref--4-0!/opt/build/repo/resources/js/utilities/selectors/index.js
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 11% building 9/11 modules 2 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??ref--4-0!/opt/build/repo/resources/js/utilities/helpers/index.js
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 11% building 10/11 modules 1 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js??ref--4-0!/opt/build/repo/resources/js/utilities/helpers/index.js
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 11% building 11/11 modules 0 active
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% building 11/11 modules 0 active
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% finish module graph
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% finish module graph FlagDependencyExportsPlugin
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% finish module graph WasmFinalizeExportsPlugin
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% sealing
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% sealing WarnCaseSensitiveModulesPlugin
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 72% basic dependencies optimization
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 72% dependencies optimization
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 72% dependencies optimization SideEffectsFlagPlugin
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 72% dependencies optimization FlagDependencyUsagePlugin
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 73% advanced dependencies optimization
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 73% after dependencies optimization
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 71% chunk graph
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 71% after chunk graph
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 71% after chunk graph WebAssemblyModulesPlugin
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 74% optimizing
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 74% basic module optimization
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 75% module optimization
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 75% advanced module optimization
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 76% after module optimization
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 76% basic chunk optimization
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 76% basic chunk optimization EnsureChunkConditionsPlugin
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 76% basic chunk optimization RemoveParentModulesPlugin
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 76% basic chunk optimization RemoveEmptyChunksPlugin
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 76% basic chunk optimization MergeDuplicateChunksPlugin
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 77% chunk optimization
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 77% advanced chunk optimization
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 77% advanced chunk optimization SplitChunksPlugin
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 77% advanced chunk optimization RemoveEmptyChunksPlugin
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 77% after chunk optimization
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 78% module and chunk tree optimization
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 78% module and chunk tree optimization ExtractTextPlugin
6:16:28 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% building 11/12 modules 1 active /opt/build/repo/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist/loader.js??ref--5-0!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/style-loader/index.js!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/css-loader/index.js??ref--5-2!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??postcss0!/opt/build/repo/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--5-4!/opt/build/repo/resources/sass/main.scss
6:16:29 PM:    ⚠️  Tailwind is not purging unused styles because no template paths have been provided.
6:16:29 PM:       If you have manually configured PurgeCSS outside of Tailwind or are deliberately not
6:16:29 PM:       removing unused styles, set `purge: false` in your Tailwind config file to silence
6:16:29 PM:       this warning.
6:16:29 PM:    
6:16:29 PM:
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 70% building 12/12 modules 0 active
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 78% after module and chunk tree optimization
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 79% basic chunk modules optimization
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 80% chunk modules optimization
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 80% chunk modules optimization ModuleConcatenationPlugin
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 80% advanced chunk modules optimization
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 81% after chunk modules optimization
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 81% module reviving
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 81% module reviving RecordIdsPlugin
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 82% module order optimization
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 82% module order optimization OccurrenceOrderModuleIdsPlugin
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 82% advanced module order optimization
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 83% before module ids
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 83% module ids
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 84% module id optimization
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 84% module id optimization
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 85% chunk reviving
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 85% chunk reviving RecordIdsPlugin
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 85% chunk order optimization
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 85% chunk order optimization OccurrenceOrderChunkIdsPlugin
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 86% before chunk ids
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 86% chunk id optimization
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 86% chunk id optimization FlagIncludedChunksPlugin
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 87% after chunk id optimization
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 87% record modules
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 87% record modules RecordIdsPlugin
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 87% record chunks
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 87% record chunks RecordIdsPlugin
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 88% hashing
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 88% after hashing
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 89% record hash
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 89% module assets processing
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 90% chunk assets processing
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 90% additional chunk assets processing
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 91% recording
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% additional asset processing
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% additional asset processing ExtractTextPlugin
6:16:33 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% additional asset processing PurgeCSS
6:16:34 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% chunk asset optimization
6:16:34 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% chunk asset optimization TerserPlugin
6:16:35 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 92% chunk asset optimization OptimizeCssAssetsWebpackPlugin
6:16:35 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 93% after chunk asset optimization
6:16:35 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 93% asset optimization
6:16:35 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 94% after asset optimization
6:16:35 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 94% after seal
6:16:35 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 95% emitting
6:16:35 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 95% emitting unnamed compat plugin
6:16:35 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 95% emitting OptimizeCssAssetsWebpackPlugin
6:16:35 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 98% after emitting
6:16:35 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 98% after emitting SizeLimitsPlugin
6:16:35 PM:  DONE  Compiled successfully in 13552ms10:16:35 PM
6:16:35 PM: <s> [webpack.Progress] 100%
6:16:35 PM:             Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
6:16:35 PM: /css/main.min.css   21 KiB          [emitted]
6:16:35 PM:       /js/main.js  2.1 KiB       0  [emitted]  /js/main
6:16:35 PM:   /js/main.min.js  2.1 KiB          [emitted]
6:16:35 PM:      css/main.css   21 KiB       0  [emitted]  /js/main
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/sitemap.xml from ./site/sitemap.njk.
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/bio/index.html from ./site/bio.njk.
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/index.html from ./site/blog.njk.
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/404.html from ./site/404.njk.
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/index.html from ./site/index.njk.
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/work/index.html from ./site/work.njk.
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/contact/index.html from ./site/contact.njk.
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/values/index.html from ./site/values.njk.
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/i-work-for-free-or-at-my-full-rate/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/design-as-a-resource/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/hiring-and-the-black-box/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/performance-review/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/34-for34/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/feedback-fidelity-and-edge-cases/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/think-different-designed-with-windows/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/is-this-thing-on/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/hardest-part-of-being-creative-is-getting-used-to-it/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/jerseyscript/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/litmus-email-design-conference-2014/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/cerberus-responsive-email-templates/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/email-design/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/litmus-email-design-conference-2015/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/cerberus-hybrid-email-templates/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/best-design-articles-2015/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/rsi/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/an-open-letter-to-designers-of-unsolicited-redesigns-and-unbuildable-apps/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/36-for-36/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/why-dont-email-clients-use-modern-rendering-engines/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/silent-leadership/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/my-remote-home-office/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/40-for-40/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/business-of-design/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/designing-for-medical/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/design-in-a-sea-of-engineering/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/stack-overflow-design/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/go-digital-2016-reykjavik-iceland/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/open-source/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/design-matters-copenhagen/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/best-design-articles-2017/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/best-design-articles-2018/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/email-preferences-design/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/front-utah-conference/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/remotive-ama/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/outlook-email-rendering/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/design-mentor/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/best-design-articles-2019/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/my-first-interactive-email/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/unusual-design-teams/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/work/canfield/index.html from ./site/work/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/work/stackoverflow/index.html from ./site/work/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/work/community-health/index.html from ./site/work/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/email-design-systems/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Writing dist/blog/distributed-design/index.html from ./site/blog/
6:16:37 PM: Copied 5 items / Wrote 53 files in 1.36 seconds (25.7ms each, v0.10.0)
6:16:37 PM: ​
6:16:37 PM: (build.command completed in 18.1s)
6:16:37 PM: ​
6:16:37 PM: ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
6:16:37 PM: │ 2. onPostBuild command from netlify-plugin-image-optim │
6:16:37 PM: └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
6:16:37 PM: ​
6:21:21 PM: │ File                                                                │ Before    │ After     │ Reduction │
6:21:21 PM: ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼───────────┼───────────┼───────────┤

/// It processed a ton of images ///

6:21:21 PM: │   Images optimized - 3.95 MB saved   │
6:21:21 PM: └──────────────────────────────────────┘
6:21:21 PM: ​
6:21:21 PM: (netlify-plugin-image-optim onPostBuild completed in 4m 43.3s)
6:21:21 PM: ​
6:21:21 PM: ┌─────────────────────────────┐
6:21:21 PM: │   Netlify Build Complete    │
6:21:21 PM: └─────────────────────────────┘
6:21:21 PM: ​
6:21:21 PM: (Netlify Build completed in 5m 1.9s)
6:21:21 PM: Caching artifacts
6:21:21 PM: Started saving node modules
6:21:21 PM: Finished saving node modules
6:21:21 PM: Started saving build plugins
6:21:21 PM: Finished saving build plugins
6:21:21 PM: Started saving pip cache
6:21:21 PM: Finished saving pip cache
6:21:21 PM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
6:21:21 PM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
6:21:21 PM: Started saving maven dependencies
6:21:21 PM: Finished saving maven dependencies
6:21:21 PM: Started saving boot dependencies
6:21:21 PM: Finished saving boot dependencies
6:21:21 PM: Started saving go dependencies
6:21:23 PM: Finished saving go dependencies
6:21:26 PM: Build script success
6:21:26 PM: Starting to deploy site from 'dist'
6:21:26 PM: Creating deploy tree 
6:21:26 PM: Creating deploy upload records
6:21:26 PM: 52 new files to upload
6:21:26 PM: 0 new functions to upload
6:21:28 PM: Starting post processing
6:21:28 PM: Post processing - HTML
6:21:33 PM: Post processing - redirect rules
6:21:33 PM: Post processing - header rules
6:21:33 PM: Post processing done
6:21:33 PM: Site is live
6:22:28 PM: Finished processing build request in 7m3.330786834s


Perfect! Thanks for your patience and perseverance!

Speaking with the team, supposedly, if the app was uninstalled entirely and re-installed (post fix date) this would have resolved the problem too. I don’t suppose you know if you tried this exactly in the past couple weeks?

Either way, glad it’s resolved! :partying_face:

@Scott Hi, I did uninstall and reinstall the app in the last few weeks but my issue wasn’t resolved until you posted your message about binding the repo to my site backend.

If it’s not too much trouble, can you explain what you did when you “bound the repo to your site backend”? In case anyone else has a similar issue and finds this thread?

Hey @tedgoas,

Thanks for that feedback. I’ll pass this on to the backend team who were working on this but it may be a case of awaiting for a future failure before we can delve in to it again.

Certainly! In short, when installing the app, we bind your User to the Repo ID. On occasion, this wasn’t occurring which would make the app appear to have installed correctly but, backend, we were lacking the GitHub Repo ID. The fix which was instated a couple weeks ago should have made this binding more robust but we can always manually add it from this end.