Netlify Sitename:
Custom domain:
I have migrated my girlfriend’s blog from WordPress to netlify with NetlifyCMS and Eleventy Frontend. Exported all posts into markdown etc, got all the featured images and so on. I am using @11ty/eleventy-img to optimize the original images during the build process, so that optimized jpg and .avif files in several sizes are created.
When I build my site locally with ‘npm run dev’ OR with ‘netlify dev’ the images get created with no errors.
But when I upload a new image in NetlifyCMS on my Content Manager and trigger a build by publishing the post, the post is updated with the correct markup, but the optimized images are never created. There is also no error message in the build process.
Here’s a testpost where this happened: (404 Error for the images, they don’t exist)
Here’s the file where eleventy-img is used on github: CWN-netlifycms-eleventy/imageShortcode.js at main · saiminh/CWN-netlifycms-eleventy · GitHub
And the NetlifyCMS config: CWN-netlifycms-eleventy/config.yml at main · saiminh/CWN-netlifycms-eleventy · GitHub
Any help is hugely appreciated! This is kinda difficult to debug for me because it ONLY happens on Netlify Deploy and there’s no error message anywhere, so if you have any tipps on just how to better debug this issue it’d also be very helpful already!
Thank you in advance and Kind Regards,