February 24, 2020, 8:09pm
Does anyone know if it’s possible to rewrite a domain alias to another netlify domain in the same team?
I’ve currently got:
from = “ ”
to = “ ”
status = 200
force = true
It’s an SPA and also has this rule at the bottom.
from = “/*”
to = “/index.html”
status = 200
The page is blank and the network request fetches the resource but doesn’t load it into the page. Instead the original content is loaded into the page in the SPA.
Any advice or help ??
February 25, 2020, 7:49am
Hi, @berni . I believe we are troubleshooting this here:
Hi, @berni , the first rule should work in most cases.
It if isn’t working, it would be helpful to examine the actual site at Netlify to find out why. What is the URL which should be working and isn’t? I ask because the domain isn’t hosted at our service and I need to know the actual URL to answer.
Would you please send us a link to a deploy where the 200 rule is active there? For example, a link like the one below?