“failed during stage ‘building site’: Deploy directory ‘web/web/public’ does not exist”
I expected it to build fine but it seems to have trouble with the deploy direction 'web/web/public". I actually found a similar topic on this forum from someone else with same issue: Deploy directory 'web/web/public' does not exist, however fixing/rearranging the base directory/publish directory in the settings of Netlify does not seem to work for me.
Hi @jujulicious, you’ll want to change your ‘publish directory’ in your site’s deploy settings to the correct path. If you are still seeing issues, can you share the site’s name?
How does one determine what the correct path should be?
I have a nuxt project with a bitbucket repo where:
• package.json is in the root folder.
• the ‘publish directory’ is called ‘dist’, also located at the root.
I’ve tried base as ‘/’, ‘gd3’ (the name of the repo), and not declaring a base at all. Everything results in:
Failed during stage ‘building site’: Deploy directory ‘dist’ does not exist