Netlify funcitions - 404 error

Hello there,

I’m new to Netlify function and i’m getting an 404 error from the server , can someone help?

if i run “netlify dev” http://localhost:8888 is working correctly, but if i go on this url http://localhost:3999/.netlify/functions/hello i get the error.

This is expected. Functions are handled by CLI which is running on :8888. Your application is running on :3999 which doesn’t know about Netlify Functions. Visit the Function on http://localhost:8888/.netlify/functions/hello

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yes, with this link it’s working and it’s working also the form on the main page.

However if i upload the file to Netlify and i try to complete the form, it doesn’t work and i get this on the console “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()”


Can you share a way to reproduce this?

A post was split to a new topic: Netlify functions 404 (not locally)