Netlify forms + gatsby + material-ui

I’m working on a contact form.
My tech stack is gatsby and material-ui.

url - Booking | Cleaning Service | Deelightful Cleaning
form name in netlify dashboard appeared - ‘contact’

Some time ago I worked on a site with netlify forms + gatsby without any problem.

After hitting submit button nothing happens - no redirect to ‘/success/’ page and not trace after submission in netlify dashboard.
Right now I cannot find what’s wrong with my code.

code - netlifyForm.js · GitHub

ps. I’ve read trouble shooting post, no luck - still not working.

I used Formik several times on different pages with netlify forms + gatsby and it was always working nicely.

I removed Formik for that one and it worked…

Thanks for coming back and sharing your solution with us, @robert123 :wave: we appreciate it!