Netlify dev opens up 50 node.js instances and forces me to shut down my PC

This one has me really stuck. I’m using netlify lambda functions which I’m testing with netlify dev. I had one function and all was fine, but when I added a second, netlify dev would keep opening up node.js instances until my memory and cpu were at 100% and then just keep going from there. I’m running a fairly powerful PC and it does this extremely quickly.

I’m not quite sure what’s causing this and it’s very difficult to test since I have to force shutdown my PC each time I try if I’m wrong. I first assumed it was some node module I was using, but removing that one doesn’t fix anything.

If anyone knows what might be causing this, any responses whatsoever would be appreciated.

Hi @EmNudge, can you tell me how you are starting netlify-lambda? Are you generating a file before starting the netlify-lambda server? Note that if you are, that would trigger netlify dev to reload.

It’s been quite some time, but this bug had actually been frustrating enough at the time that I’d given it a rest and was done with the project.

I am using netlify dev to start up the dev server. The functions are generated using netlify functions:build functions. The functions folder contains the lambdas and they then get compiled into the lambdas folder. The netlify.toml file is just:
functions = “lambdas”

It should be noted that everything is fine if I commit it to github and have Netlify build it using CD.
I’ve updated all the project dependencies as well as netlify-cli in hopes that someone has fixed this problem within the past 5 months, but nothing has changed.

EmNudge, sorry to hear you are still having trouble with this. That’s frustrating and not something we’ve heard of before (I’m not saying it’s not happening - just that something unique must be going on)

Have you looked through any open issues on this repo:

and if there is nothing that matches what you are seeing, would you mind filing a new issue for us? thats the best way for us to scope the work and look into this.

I couldn’t find any issue matching what I had. A new issue was created.
As an aside, I have now open sourced the code with this peculiar error if anyone would like to take a look.

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thanks for doing that, @EmNudge!