Netlify access to Contenful

I am designing a website on Netlify and I linked it to a Contentful space but somehow Netlify isn’t able to access contentful models although I can deploy the website from Contentful using the contentful webhook linking to the website. How can I fix that?

@Yves611-haswany The details you’ve provided are too vague, you’ll need to be more specific.

How did you link the site to the Contentful space?

What error are you seeing?

Are you using a plugin or a particular package?

When I try to run the visual editor at the end of the logs I see a message saying. Can’t access contentful.

@Yves611-haswany Great, even that’s useful!

Since I have absolutely no idea about the Visual Editor I know I can’t help, best of luck.

Thank you for the help anyway

Have you added Contentful Environment Variables in Visual Editor settings? Can you show the error you’re getting?

Yes. I have everything configured

I am using the next.js+Contentful Minimal starter template

What’s the name of the site?