I’m writing this because my netlify functions and my vuejs3 website can’t have access to Build metadata and GIT metadata. I would like to change some sensitive env variables between environment without expose them.
The url of my webapp is https://preview.surferdtm.com/
I can give access to my repository if you need (it’s a private one on gitlab).
Thank you
Ok, I understand how to select env variables using the context or branch at build time.
Right now however I can’t make any requests that should uses auth0 checkJwt because my netlify function can’t find the auth0 audience variable, stored in my process.env.
Any idea?
My repository: https://gitlab.com/aletrn/surferdtm-client/
Hi @trincadev,
Have you added the environment variables to the Netlify UI? The variables in TOML are not available to Functions.
did you take care of the required format of environment-variables in vue with that “VUE_APP_” in front of the variable-name?