Everything (very basic gatsby/prismic basic app) was working and deploying wonderfully until suddenly it wasn’t - I changed no code except for some SCSS. I then tried to remove the last bit of script I added though it should not have been consequential. Everything builds locally without problems, but when I try and deploy thru git in the last 30 mins, I get failures with very little useful trace to help me figure out what it is I did. Thanks! A “passable” version is currently deployed but I’d really like to add the UI improvements before official launch on Monday.
looks like it was a temporary problem unrelated to netlify, @tyn! i see that your latest deploy succeeded. Cloudflare was having issues earlier today, which affected access top lots of npm packages.
but still not sure how a cloudflare issue, and i for sure know 10 is a valid value because neither do i set it in nvmrc or anything, this is just a simple gihub pages jekyll deploy which used to work
Hi @tyn,
Looking at your Netlify deploys page, it seems that you made it work. I’m having the exact same issue here. Do you think you can share the solution you found here ? That would be amazing.
Thank you very much in advance,
I am sorry, but I don’t see how they discuss this issue at all or how to troubleshoot it. That link looks like a collection of people complaining about centralised web architecture.
Is there a solution to this problem? I registered a domain with netlify for the sole purpose of launching hugo static site. Should I try something else?
Let me recap the situation, @jpiaskowski - I did not do that in this thread, thanks for the call out!
our build system downloads node and node packages during most builds. If you use node during your build (do you have a package.json, yarn.lock, or package-json.lock file in your repo?), this includes you. Hugo does not use node natively, but most builds on Netlify do.
Cloudflare’s service serves the downloads for nodejs.org and npmjs.com, which are the ones that were failing due to their outage
There isn’t a good workaround for them being down.
They came back up at the end of the incident, which should allow builds to work correctly now.
if you still see an error in a new build, it is not related to the outage this morning, and you should use the steps here to debug and let us know if your debugging doesn’t help: [Support Guide] Debugging Netlify site builds