Mysterious redirect

my site was deployed from github and was working last night, but today it is redirection to a google page. I may have configured this a few weeks ago, but being a newbie, I actually deleted my domain, all files and settings to start over. I don’t see this redirect on any of my servers. How do I find it?

hi, please help me understand - do you know whose google page this is? Is can you tell me your netlify site name?

Hi Perry, to answer your questions, Yes, it was redirecting to a google site that I created.
This is my netlify site: stupefied-goodall-461ca7

ok, so it was you who set up the redirect, that makes sense. When you say you deleted the domain, all files and settings, what do you mean exactly? Did you delete your site from the netlify UI or ?

ah, i just missed the part where you said it was working now. Ok cool. Well, if it breaks again…let us know!

Hi Perry, its still broken. :-/ I deleted the site and removed the domain and all DNS records to start clean. It was working for a moment, then this redirect started happening.

When you say you deleted the domain, all files and settings, what do you mean exactly? Did you delete your site from the netlify UI?