My website dos not load

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Hi everybody! I have an issue tryng to upload my new website. I called “TANQUE”. At the time that i click to upload it, it say that there’s an error. i would really apreciate if u can help me with this, thank you very much!*

Hi @valentinomirabellisk, thanks for the post and welcome.

  1. How are you uploading your website. (Browser interface or Netlify CLI)
  2. What framework or technology did your build your website with.

If possible can you share a snippet or a screenshot of the error message or logs for me to help with the debugging?


Hi! im using Google chrome for the upload, and Atom for the build. here is the screenshots

Hello @valentinomirabellisk, thanks for the feedback.
If you are using the drag and drop method to deploy your website, make sure your project folder contains the HTML files in the project root.

If the above does not work, if possible can you share a repository of your website?

Thank you.

still does not work with the html file in it. how can i share you the repository? sorry, i’m a beginner

Hi @valentinomirabellisk, make sure the index.html file is in the project root and not in a sub folder.

├─ index.html
├─ other_folder/

If the above does not work you can send a screenshot of your directory structure.


this is how i have it. I’m loading the whole file.

Hi @valentinomirabellisk, thanks for sharing the extra information.

Looks like you named the index file intex.html instead of index.html

Kindly rename it to index.html and then redeploy again to see if it works.

Let me know the outcome.


Oh haha what a silly mistake! okey now i fixed that. I have one last, sorry. Now the images does not load, guess that it is a route issue, i tried tons of times but can not get it.

Hi @valentinomirabellisk,

Thanks for the update on the issue.

It appears that that img tag is pointing to your Desktop for the images:

The path to the images will need to be updated to where they are located in the folder (WEB). You can follow this reference:

I believe for example, you would use <img class="gallery__img" src="mojitomaking.jpeg" alt="makingmojito">.

Let us know if you have any questions.

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Hi @valentinomirabellisk,glad to know the suggestions helped resolved the problem.
Regarding the images not displaying, since your images are in the root folder, the source (src) or path of the image should be ./ followed by the image name instead of /Users/valentinomirabelli/Desktop/WEB/
E.g: ./your_image_name.png

Kindly open your index.html file and then navigate to the gallery section in your code in order to make the changes similar to the code snippet below.

<div class="gallery__item">
   <div class="gallery__item">
      <img class="gallery__img" src="./mojitomaking.jpeg" alt="makingmojito">
   <div class="gallery__item">
      <img class="gallery__img" src="./cynar.jpeg" alt="cynar">
   <div class="gallery__item">
      <img class="gallery__img" src="./basilcafe.jpeg" alt="basil cafe">
   <div class="gallery__item">
      <img class="gallery__img" src="./mojitofrutilla.jpeg" alt="mojiotfrutilla">
   <div class="gallery__item">
      <img class="gallery__img" src="./croto.jpeg" alt="flame">
   <div class="gallery__item">
      <img class="gallery__img" src="./firsteventintown.jpeg" alt="first">
   <div class="gallery__item">
      <img class="gallery__img" src="./renipiña.jpeg" alt="reni">
   <div class="gallery__item">
      <img class="gallery__img" src="./cumpletia.jpeg" alt="cumpletia">

Let me know the outcome.


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Hi @clarnx great debugging thanks so much .