Hi @backadan,
Thanks for reaching out!
You’re not currently using the Netlify name servers mentioned here.
dig backa.com.au NS +trace | tail -n 6
;; Received 595 bytes from in 225 ms
backa.com.au. 86400 IN NS alex.ns.cloudflare.com.
backa.com.au. 86400 IN NS jill.ns.cloudflare.com.
;; Received 96 bytes from 2a06:98c1:50::ac40:207a#53(jill.ns.cloudflare.com) in 37 ms
You’re instead using Cloudflare name servers. You’ll want to configure the Netlify name servers mention on the DNS Zone page previously linked.
Additionally, as @nathanmartin mentioned, you can check out the other thread where a Netlify engineer has commented here.