Site name:
I am unable to get my Remix app to load anything related to the DB when deployed. It works perfectly in both production and development environments locally, but when I deploy it gives me this strange “error message”, which I believe originates from Prisma:
"clientVersion": "4.8.1"
What’s stranger, the “error” has status: 200
Here’s my netlify.toml
command = "CI= npm run build"
publish = "public"
autoLaunch = false
command = "remix watch"
port = 3000
from = "/*"
to = "/.netlify/functions/server"
status = 200
for = "/build/*"
"Cache-Control" = "public, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=31536000"
I also created a version of my site using sqlite rather than mongo, and it works fine locally in development mode as well, but in production and in deployment it returns a different error in the prisma logs:
The table `(not available)` does not exist in the current database.
code: 'P2021',
clientVersion: '4.8.1',
If anyone can help me solve this, I would be very appreciative. Been trying to deploy this thing for like 2 weeks!!