Missing DNS Records - moonraft.com - [PRO Plan]

Site Name - moonraft.com
Plan - PRO Plan

Hi Team,
Few weeks back we had payment related issue and our Account was locked. Once the account was unlocked our DNS Records are missing.

I tried manually adding the records, its not letting me.

I would need Support Team’s help to put the DNS Records back, our email infra etc are down because of missing DNS records , MX records etc.

dig ns moonraft.com

; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> ns moonraft.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 30389
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;moonraft.com. IN NS

moonraft.com. 3600 IN NS dns3.p08.nsone.net.
moonraft.com. 3600 IN NS dns4.p08.nsone.net.
moonraft.com. 3600 IN NS dns1.p08.nsone.net.
moonraft.com. 3600 IN NS dns2.p08.nsone.net.

;; Query time: 18 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Mar 11 12:21:05 PDT 2024
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 130

In Netlify it shows -

Hi, @Titus_Roby_Kariyampa. We’ve replied to the support tickets (as there were multiple) opened about this. Please reply there if there are other questions or concerns.

Hello @luke

I do not have access to those tickets. It would be great if you could help us on
following sites – which is still down

  • Also, Could you also let us know, how the entire DNS Records got wiped off ??
    I was lucky coz i had a backup of the DNS Records - I had to manually input it one after the one,
    We would like to know the reason why that wasn’t restored.
    Our leadership was quite disappointed at this.

Hoping to hear from you


Hey Titus,

We have resolved this in the Help Desk. We do kindly ask that your team opens one ticket next time, as there were more than several across various members of your team. This makes it challenging to troubleshoot with all the confusion. Thank you for understanding!

We see the evolve.moonraft.com site is back up now.


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Hi @charlottechhum
I understand, there were multiple tickets open.

Could you also let us know, how the entire DNS Records got wiped off ??
I was lucky coz i had a backup of the DNS Records - I had to manually input it one after the one,
We would like to know the reason why that wasn’t restored.

I understand there was a mistake from our end due to payment related. But once its rectified, It should all be restored to its original state with all the DNS Records restored. Unfortunately that was not the case. Its a bit weird way of doing business. Else it should be stated somewhere in the website that “Hey, FYI, if you do not pay, we might completely wipe your DNS records off.”

I totally acknowledge non-payment is attributed coz our company was recently acquired by another company. So payments etc are moved to a new division. We acknowledged and addressed the same.

But once its done, it should be restored to its original state with all things intact else the trust will be lost.
