MERN full stack webapp - Netlify migration from Heroku

I have deployed my application on a Heroku. I want to try Netlify. I think I followed the steps to deploy my full stack web application including both client and server. But I have got no error message nor has my app been deployed. Do you have instructions or a link you can share step-by-step for someone who is familiar with deploying on Heroku and is now looking to use Netlify?

Hi @anita

Have you seen this support guide re what you can/can’t do on Netlify?

If your server component runs a NodeJS script (e.g. node app.js or something similar) it is unlikely to work as you expect. It is possible to use ExpressJS in a serverless environment such as Netlify, though you would need to rework at least part of the codebase

If you have any further questions, can you share a deploy log, your build settings, and the repository you are deploying from.

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