I have attempted to deploy 3 repos from github and all 3 successfully publish but lead me to the “Looks like you’ve followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn’t exist on this site.” I have an index.html file included in all 3 repos. It was my understanding from reading the support guide that this is the typical cause of this problem.
In all three cases, the site you wish to deploy is in a sub-directory rather than the root of the repository.
As they are static sites with no build steps required, set the publish directory to name of the directory in the repository e.g.html5up-skillpointfitness
It worked! Awesome, thank you so much. Is this something I need to do in the future for every deploy, or is there something I can do differently to avoid this complication?
If the site content you wish to deploy is inside a sub-directory rather than the root of the repository, you will need to get the publish directory to the name of the directory.
If you place the content at the root of the repository, you will not need to set the publish directory.