Looking of Netlify plugins to improve SEO (Serve images in next-gen formats)

Image formats like JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, and WebP often provide better compression than PNG or JPEG, which means faster downloads and less data consumption. Learn more.

Currently I use these settings.

  • URLs: No URL processing
  • CSS: No CSS processing
  • JS: No JS processing
  • Images: Lossless compression

The SSG is Nuxt-edge, with full universal static mode.

Also thinking, is whether I should apply for Analytics. Will it help with getting to first page of SERP, esp. Google?

Hey there,
I don’t currently know of a Netlify build plugin like that, although we only publicly launched build plugins last week, so maybe someone is working on one right now! You can view our list of available plugins from your account by going to:

That said, there may be Nuxt plugins that can do what you want. A search turned up this one that may be of interest:

Our Analytics product is a great way for you to monitor your site’s traffic trends- where are people visiting from? How many visitors? etc. That said, it will not help with your search engine placement. If you’re most interested in what can you do on Netlify to boost your SEO, I’d recommend this blog post (I know this is Next.js, not Nuxt, but some of the high-level information will still be relevant :slight_smile: )

Let us know if we can answer any other questions!