"Invalid Image" internal error in netlify-plugin-image-optim breaks the build

I don’t know enough about Exception handling and escalation in Netlify, but it appears that
one processing error in one file can break a whole build (that took 15 minutes)

I have no idea why this image would cause problems, and it certainly doesn’t do in the local netlify dev environment here

Here is the offending image.

Not sure how to upload attachments in Discourse that are not altered. Uploading a ZIP did not work.

In any case, imho a processing error in 1 image is probably not a fatal exception in all build workflows.

It’s the plugin that’s throwing an error (meaning it is returning an unacceptable exit code). Netlify assumes that any build that doesn’t return a proper command exit code, is an error. I would personally like the build to fail for one file rather than my users seeing a broken version of that file.

About your error though, it’s not really possible to guess the cause of the error without actually having the source code or at least a minimal error reproduction. Also, it might be easier to get help from the plugin’s developer as they know more than anyone about how their plugin works.