I self-optimized my Angular PWA which renders locally

and am using minifiers, Brotli, webp and svg. Lighthouse scores are very high. Can this be deployed here ? I am asking due to the optimization and compression I have done. Will your server convert and render Brotli because that is what is necessary.

Hi @wfd2018 :wave:t6: Welcome to the forums! I’m not sure what you are referring to. Can you elaborate on your request so we can help answer your question.

I optimized the Angular PWA using various tools. I noticed you do that for all apps already optimized or not . When I run netlify deploy --prod I get Site Created

Admin URL: Netlify App
URL: https://techbits.netlify.app
Site ID: a53d1e73-37c9-4f2e-84f0-89aba35813d3

Linked to techbits in C:\Users\summe\angular\techbits-a\techbits-a.netlify\state.json
Please provide a publish directory (e.g. “public” or “dist” or “.”):
? Publish directory C:\Users\summe\angular\techbits-a\techbits-a
Deploy path: C:\Users\summe\angular\techbits-a\techbits-a
Deploying to main site URL…
:heavy_check_mark: Finished hashing 311 files
:heavy_check_mark: CDN requesting 11 files
:heavy_check_mark: Finished uploading 11 assets
:heavy_check_mark: Deploy is live!

Logs: Netlify App
Unique Deploy URL: https://63f669f92aadb800aa7819d5--techbits.netlify.app
Website URL: https://techbits.netlify.app

but when I try the site I get 404.

I figured it out. Thanks folks for your help !

Hi @wfd2018 :wave:t6: thanks for coming back and letting us know you solved your problem.