I need your help to delete the domain name from my original account

Hi, I am not seeing a txt record for any of the domains. This is what I see below. Can you please follow the instructions in this guide and ensure the TXT value is set to 111342

% host -t txt verified-for-netlify.wzsco.top
Host verified-for-netlify.wzsco.top not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
 % host -t txt verified-for-netlify.solitude.wzsco.top
Host verified-for-netlify.solitude.wzsco.top not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
% host -t txt verified-for-netlify.docs.wzsco.top
Host verified-for-netlify.docs.wzsco.top not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)