I have a problem when using more 1 trailing slash in netlify (react-router-dom)
This is my react router code:
<Route path='/' element={<App />} />
<Route path='/login' element={<Login />} />
<Route path='/sign_up' element={<SignUp />} />
<Route path='/courses' element={<Courses />} />
<Route path='/bot_managing' element={<BotManaging />} />
<Route path='/courses/:course_id' element={<Course />} />
<Route path='/courses/:course_id/:lesson_name' element={<Lessons />} />
<Route path='/tickets' element={<Tickets />} />
<Route path='/tickets/:ticket_id' element={<Ticket />} />
<Route path='/ticket/new_ticket' element={<Push_Ticket />} />
<Route path='/products' element={<Products />} />
<Route path='/products/:product_id' element={<Product />} />
<Route path='/cart/:cart_id' element={<Cart />} />
<Route path='/push_product' element={<Push_Product />} />
<Route path='/exams' element={<Exams />} />
<Route path='/exam/:exam_id' element={<Exam />} />
<Route path='/join_exam/:exam_id' element={<Join_Exam />} />
<Route path='/exam/:exam_id/last_results' element={<Results />} />
<Route path='/consultation/:consultation_id' element={<Consultations />} />
<Route path='/consultations' element={<ConsultationsPage />} />
<Route path='/live-streaming' element={<LiveStreaming />} />
<Route path='/scene' element={<Scene />} />
<Route path='/payment/:SubscriptionType/:PaymentToken' element={<Payment />} />
<Route path="*" element={<NotFound />} />
All of routers here work but something like /consultation/:consultation_id
is not working because there is another field
This is my using of Params:
import {useParams} from 'react-router-dom'
const {consultation_id} = useParams();
I don’t think that I have a problem, but why it’s give me a blank white page when going to /exam/:exam_id
or /consultation/:consultation_id
I need help from you guys, Thank you so much!
Link: https://logicgates.app