I have a problem when using more than 1 trailing slash in netlify (react-router-dom)

I have a problem when using more 1 trailing slash in netlify (react-router-dom)
This is my react router code:

        <Route path='/' element={<App />} />
        <Route path='/login' element={<Login />} />
        <Route path='/sign_up' element={<SignUp />} />
        <Route path='/courses' element={<Courses />} />
        <Route path='/bot_managing' element={<BotManaging />} />
        <Route path='/courses/:course_id' element={<Course />} />
        <Route path='/courses/:course_id/:lesson_name' element={<Lessons />} />
        <Route path='/tickets' element={<Tickets />} />
        <Route path='/tickets/:ticket_id' element={<Ticket />} />
        <Route path='/ticket/new_ticket' element={<Push_Ticket />} />
        <Route path='/products' element={<Products />} />
        <Route path='/products/:product_id' element={<Product />} />
        <Route path='/cart/:cart_id' element={<Cart />} />
        <Route path='/push_product' element={<Push_Product />} />
        <Route path='/exams' element={<Exams />} />
        <Route path='/exam/:exam_id' element={<Exam />} />
        <Route path='/join_exam/:exam_id' element={<Join_Exam />} />
        <Route path='/exam/:exam_id/last_results' element={<Results />} />
        <Route path='/consultation/:consultation_id' element={<Consultations />} />
        <Route path='/consultations' element={<ConsultationsPage />} />
        <Route path='/live-streaming' element={<LiveStreaming />} />
        <Route path='/scene' element={<Scene />} />
        <Route path='/payment/:SubscriptionType/:PaymentToken' element={<Payment />} />
        <Route path="*" element={<NotFound />} />

All of routers here work but something like /consultation/:consultation_id is not working because there is another field

This is my using of Params:

import {useParams} from 'react-router-dom'
  const {consultation_id} = useParams();

I don’t think that I have a problem, but why it’s give me a blank white page when going to /exam/:exam_id or /consultation/:consultation_id

I need help from you guys, Thank you so much!

Link: https://logicgates.app

Not sure why you’re using jQuery in a React project, but the error seems to be because jQuery fails to load. Try loading it directly from jQuery CDN.

I tried to remove it but the same problem I can’t open /consultation/:consultation_id but can open /consultations

All pages work perfectly, but the pages contain more than one “/” it will show me a blank white page,

Try go to:
Logic Gates - بوابات المنطق after login
The email is shybaljhny0@gmail.com and the password is 112233Ss
You will see it working, but if you clicked in the consultation appearing to you you will go to Logic Gates - بوابات المنطق
and you will see the white blank page and you can try it on multiple pages and you will see the same thing for the more than one param page

That’s because your JavaScript is incorrectly linked:

The actual link is: logicgates.app/static/js/main.456df6b9.js. You’re linking it to https://logicgates.app/consultation/static/js/main.456df6b9.js.

This is not a Netlify issue. Somewhere in your build pipeline you’ve got an incorrect configuration and I’m pretty sure you’d get the same issue if you run npm run build and try to preview the site locally after that (not with npm run dev).

I didn’t understand everything you said but how to solve that?, I’m using react router dom

yeah you mean that :consultation_id not added, but I don’t know why

Hi, @logic2tubes. We don’t know how to solve it either. Our support team is here to provide technical support for Netlify: the code we write and the services we provide. What we cannot to is provide technical support for the code you write or code written by third-parties. We just don’t have enough resources to answer this type of question.

You make have more success asking this question somewhere designed for general programming questions like https://stackoverflow.com/. You are certainly welcome to ask this question here and someone that is not part of Netlify may answer you. Again, though, asking somewhere else that is intended for general coding questions (not Netlify specific questions) may give faster results.