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My site name is ‘ ’
getting a mime issue and i developed this site using vite and
the build settings
Not set
Base directory : /
Package directory : Not set
Build command: vite build
Publish directory : Not set
Functions directory : netlify/functions
Build status : Active
Below is my error the page is white blank
Help me with this
April 29, 2024, 10:02pm
Currently the code source file main.jsx
is loading instead of the built file.
You need to configure this.
You’ll find relevant information in the following documentation
The Solution is
By setting the large files and the images , gltf and the video in a separate public directory and this issue was resolved
@Varun18122002 That’s not correct.
While you may have encountered a secondary issue for which using the public directory was the answer, the answer to your original issue is as per @dig ’s response.