How do I run migrations in production?

I’m trying to run database migrations for postgres using drizzle orm, and the migration function requires a path to the migrations folder. The path and migrations work fine locally, but whenever I deploy to production the path obviously isn’t available anymore. I attempted to copy the dir using package.js postbuild script, and while I can see the files in the netlify deploy file browser I still can’t access them from my db.js file during run time.
How am I suppose to execute the following migration function in production on Netlify?


const db = drizzle(client, {schema})
const runMigrations = async () => { await migrate(db, { migrationsFolder: './src/drizzle'})}


  "scripts": {
    "dev": "next dev",
    "start": "next start",
    "build": "next build",
    "postbuild": "mkdir .next/src && cp -r src/drizzle .next/src/drizzle"

Folder structure in repo

As far as I know I can only reference paths in next.js by having the file live in the public dir. However, I don’t want to put my migrations in the public dir. What is the best way to solve this issue?