Actually the google recaptcha appears and I also getting the value from it, the Problem is that when I tried any of the codes on the example, it can just bypass the captcha and can just submit the form without checking the captcha box. Just to be clear even without the captcha value from the box the form can be submitted. What i’m doing wrong?
Hey @shuin,
I took a quick look and from what I can see, it looks like a form can be submitted, but are you getting any submissions in your form dashboard for this form? That’ll help us know what to do for next steps. Thanks!
Hey @shuin,
I think there are a few different things happening here:
You are submitting ...state, which is an object called data:
this.state = {
But I don’t see where you are capturing the user inputs to the name, email, etc. fields with this code. You will need some way to capture that input and then update your state accordingly. That’s not Netlify-related, so it’s out of the scope of what we can help with, but maybe you’ll find this tutorial helpful? Simplifying React Forms with Hooks |
As for the reCAPTCHA, it actually seems to be working. If you submit the form without filling out the reCAPTCHA, the browser returns a 303; the submission is not successful. At the same time, there is no error thrown, and your site does redirect the user in a way that looks like the form submission was successful, so that’s definitely a bit confusing and something we should probably look into on our end in terms of user experience! But if you do fill out the reCAPTCHA, the submission is successful (even though it’s missing the inputs for the reason I described above).
Hi @jen I already update my code from the the links you’ve given to me, got the values captured but still the same with my main issue, the recaptcha can still bypass without checking the box. Is this a bug with no solution at the moment?
@jen I’ve also notice that it seems newly created forms with duplicated name and recaptcha enabled are made whenever I update my code. The form values are only submitted to the one with honeypot enabled(just like in my recent screenshot) while empty submission on those duplicated forms with recaptcha enabled. What’s happening?
Hey @shuin,
Turns out we did unfortunately introduce a form bug recently Apologies for that! I know it was frustrating to deal with. The issue should now be fixed though, which is maybe why I’m seeing only these three forms in your site now, instead of 33:
Please let me know if you’d still like for me to delete those and I’d be happy to go ahead. Thanks!
I have the same issue with my page. Form does not ask for captcha validation when I hit submit. Any solutions here? Should I use a basic g-captcha implementation?
As you may have already discovered, that won’t work on our systems by default; you need to run some code at browse time to power a recaptcha and our implementation handles that for you.
The usual culprit for it not working is that you don’t have it configured in our system. Could you link me to the form in our UI (URL will look like Netlify App) and also on the web, so I can confirm you have configured it correctly?