Form not showing in dashboard, duplicate form names?

Hi. I seem to have an issue as my form is not showing up on my dashboard despite following the docs closely and including everything that has been mentioned in this thread. Is it an issue that I have another form with the name ‘contact’ on another site that I deployed though Netlify? That form is working properly and I followed the same example so not sure what has gone wrong…

hi Lucie, welcome to Community!

In order to get the best help possible, I have moved your post. Can you also provide a link to your netlify site, the html or code you are using to generate your form, and tell us a little bit about what you have already tried?


Hi Perry. Thanks for your quick response! Sure, my site is currently here:

I’m using React with Gatsby and reactstrap for the form. Here is a snippet from the top of my code:

<Form name=“contact” method=“POST” data-netlify=“true” netlify-honeypot=“bot-field” onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} action=“/form-success/”>
<input type=“hidden” name=“form-name” value=“contact” />
<input name=“bot-field” type=“hidden” />

I’m also encoding the data before submitting… I can send more snippets if that’s helpful.

Thanks for wanting to assist!

Hi @lucievr,

It looks like the form on is being drawn using javascript. If you want to use JS to create the form that users interact with, that’s fine. However you still need a pure HTML version of the form in your deploy for our system to parse, this is mentioned in theform dubgging post.