Form isn't showing as active and seeing 404

Hi, @Jukez17. There is no <form> tag in that page’s HTML. Quoting the support guide from above:

If you’re using a pure javascript form instead, this additional step is required:

  • You still need to include an HTML form that meets the criteria above, including all the inputs with the same names as the javascript form. This is required because we parse HTML to find forms during your deploy - but we don’t try to parse javascript files. This means if you are using React, Vue, etc. which create HTML elements using Javascript during the render, you’ll still need to include an actual HTML file that includes all of the form details in it, including all possible inputs that you want to use. For a working example using React that you can generalize to other frameworks from, check out this blog post .

I believe this requirement above is not met because there is no form in that HTML. If you have created the pure HTML form somewhere else please let us know the URL to find that form.

If you have not created the pure HTML form, the fastest way to do so is to open the page in the browser after the javascript has created the HTML form and then copy paste that <form> definition to a static HTML file that you add to the site somewhere. You can even put the HTML file in a subdirectory and block access to it with redirects. In other words, the form doesn’t need to be reachable by end users of your site, but the HTML file with the form must exist somewhere in the site deploy.

Right now there is no HTML form and this is why no form handler exists for it.