Forgotten Netlify email associated with my website

Site Name :
Custom Domain :

I have completely forgot the email ID associated with this account. I critically need to recover this netlify account and make changes to site. I tried to create new account and use domain name, but it says domain name already in use. It would be huge huge help if i just get the email id or netlify username to recover this account. Please Please help. If I can get an email message associated this my website, I will be really greatful

Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out! It looks like the email associated with this site is: s*l*t*o*s*f*b*x@*m*i*.c*m. This email has been redacted for privacy. If that doesn’t help, you can verify your domain ownership via a TXT DNS record to allow the domain on your new account. Hope this helps!

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Found and resolved. Thanks alot

Hi, same problem, different site. Can you send a redacted email for

It’s: s*u*i*@p*a*t*k.c*.i*