I’m continuing to run into an issue of my build failing when I try to run it from my GitHub repo. It appears to fail at the build command line, which was provided by the course instructions I’m following. Curious if anyone is able to help or provide insight to why this is failing and how I might remedy it. Link provided below.
npx parcel build src/index.html --public-url /
🚨 Build failed.
Error: The expression evaluated to a falsy value:
(0, _assert().default)(bundleGraph instanceof _BundleGraph.default)
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: The expression evaluated to a falsy value:
(0, _assert().default)(bundleGraph instanceof _BundleGraph.default)
at Object.runPackage (/home/hrishikesh/f-114429/node_modules/parcel/node_modules/@parcel/core/lib/worker.js:134:25)
at Child.handleRequest (/home/hrishikesh/f-114429/node_modules/@parcel/workers/lib/child.js:193:34)
at Child.messageListener (/home/hrishikesh/f-114429/node_modules/@parcel/workers/lib/child.js:93:19)
at ThreadsChild.onMessage (/home/hrishikesh/f-114429/node_modules/@parcel/workers/lib/child.js:66:12)
at ThreadsChild.handleMessage (/home/hrishikesh/f-114429/node_modules/@parcel/workers/lib/threads/ThreadsChild.js:42:10)
at MessagePort.<anonymous> (/home/hrishikesh/f-114429/node_modules/@parcel/workers/lib/threads/ThreadsChild.js:38:61)
at [nodejs.internal.kHybridDispatch] (node:internal/event_target:826:20)
at exports.emitMessage (node:internal/per_context/messageport:23:28)
FYI, this issue appeared to be resolved by actually installing the latest version of parcel (2.11.0). Frustratingly enough, the instructions in the course actually had me install a later version intentionally, stating versioning issues between parcel and Netlify. Already provided feedback.