Hi, @devbillow, I believe there are still questions about this endpoint.
It still isn’t clear to me if the issue is the requests to the functions are not being made or if the issue is the function not working as expected. (Both maybe?)
If the issue is “the webhooks are not being sent at all”, that is out of our control and questions about that would be best directed to the Zendesk support team.
At this time, the last HTTP request details I sent to you (the request on on March 19th at 19:34:55 UTC) is still the the last HTTP request made to this function (with any user-agent string). So it does appear the issue is partly the HTTP request to the function isn’t occurring at this time.
Now, if on the other hand the issue is “the API call from Zendesk doesn’t work when it is sent” then finding out why has two parts:
- is the request reaching the function
- does the function work as expected when called
My data indicates that the HTTP request do reach the function and that the function is returning at 200 status (indicating success). So all indications are that the HTTP request itself is being received by the function.
Then the question becomes why doesn’t the function do what is expected. We don’t provide technical support for custom or third-party code so our support team won’t be able to provide assistance with that.
As far as troubleshooting this, it might help to approach this from two directions at once:
1) Troubleshooting the Zendesk webhook
It might help to exactly capture the HTTP request being made by Zendesk. You might do this by redirecting that request to a service like RequestBin. Using the output captured there you could do two things:
- confirm exactly if/when Zendesk triggers the webhook
- capture the contents of a Zendesk webhook to reproduce the API call in Postman
Troubleshooting the function
Once you can reproduce the HTTP request in Postman, it should have the same behavior as the same HTTP from Zendesk. (This assumes it shouldn’t make a different where the request comes.If that assumption is false, please correct me.)
The usual recommendation here is to console.log()
verbosely in the function itself to debug what is occurring.
Once you can reproduce with Postman, you can keep triggering the function call. By adding additional debug logging it should be possible to diagnose what happens differently for the Zendesk version of the HTTP request.
If you do find something Netlify related in the issue, we’re happy to assist. For example, if you discover that there is a custom header you rely on and that header is not being passed on to the Netlify function, that is not custom/third-party code and we’re happy to assist with issues like that.
If there are other questions about this, please let us know.