Error building Gatsby site on Netlify (heifsave: Unsupported compression)

Hello! I am running into the following error when trying to deploy even a very basic Gatsby website, but it builds locally. Any help would be appreciated!

I10:47:32 AM: error error converting image Processing /opt/build/repo/src/images/example.png failed
10:47:32 AM: Original error:
10:47:32 AM: Failed to write /opt/build/repo/src/images/example.png into /opt/build/repo/public/static/705185e5354a42a4570368356f29b7e5/e515b/example.avif. (heifsave: Unsupported compression)
10:47:32 AM:
10:47:32 AM:
10:47:32 AM: SharpError: Processing /opt/build/repo/src/images/example.png failed
10:47:32 AM: Original error:
10:47:32 AM: Failed to write /opt/build/repo/src/images/example.png into /opt/build/repo/pu blic/static/705185e5354a42a4570368356f29b7e5/e515b/example.avif. (heifsave: Un supported compression)
10:47:32 AM:
10:47:32 AM: - process-file.js:118
10:47:32 AM: [repo]/[gatsby-plugin-sharp]/process-file.js:118:13
10:47:32 AM:
10:47:32 AM: - async Promise.all
10:47:32 AM:
10:47:32 AM:
10:47:32 AM: not finished Running gatsby-plugin-sharp.IMAGE_PROCESSING jobs - 0.608s
10:47:32 AM: not finished onPostBootstrap - 0.124s
10:47:32 AM: not finished Build manifest and related icons - 0.123s
10:47:33 AM: ​
10:47:33 AM: “build.command” failed
10:47:33 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
10:47:33 AM: ​
10:47:33 AM: Error message
10:47:33 AM: Command failed with exit code 1: npm run build
10:47:33 AM: ​
10:47:33 AM: Error location
10:47:33 AM: In Build command from Netlify app:
10:47:33 AM: npm run build
10:47:33 AM: ​
10:47:33 AM: Resolved config
10:47:33 AM: build:
10:47:33 AM: command: npm run build
10:47:33 AM: commandOrigin: ui
10:47:33 AM: publish: /opt/build/repo/public
10:47:33 AM: publishOrigin: ui
10:47:33 AM: plugins:
10:47:33 AM: - inputs: {}
10:47:33 AM: origin: ui
10:47:33 AM: package: ‘@netlify/plugin-gatsby’
10:47:34 AM: Build failed due to a user error: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2
10:47:35 AM: Failing build: Failed to build site
10:47:35 AM: Finished processing build request in 1m5.592s

@tekd Try googling for heifsave: Un supported compression and read the kinds of results that appear:

Use the old ubuntu 20, their latest ubuntu 24 with the new libvips causing this error. I hope this helps as I learned it the hard way. Not sure how to to raise this concern to netlify though.

That did it–thank you so much!

@hrishikesh What’s the anticipated long term solution for these users?

Looks like it was already reported to Sharp Issue rendering AVIF files on Ubuntu 24.04 + libvips-dev 8.15.1 · Issue #4274 · lovell/sharp and that’s supposedly fixed in the latest versions.