domain claim error

  • Site Name
  • domain claim error: " or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team."

trying to register a domain before purchasing the account, however the record seems to be taken by another account, we are creating the txt record with this issue number in order to get this fixed.

thanks in advance

Hi, TXT record have been created, please confirm you get the information and the DNS can be assiged from my side asap

Have a read of this post @Jason_Acuna

Hi, we just upgrade to pro level, what is next? i was not able to add my record.

There is nothing I can do. @SamO can probably help you out.

Hi , would you please move this to a ticket as soon as possible? thanks in advance.

As I previously stated there is nothing I can do. I don’t work for Netlify.

If you are now on the Pro plan you can submit a ticket yourself via the support page. Make sure to mention this thread.