Edge Functions Logs Don't Work

We have console.log everywhere in our code. And we also console also the errors. Virtually bothing shows up in the Edge logs. Once in awhile something will appear. but, in general, the logs are just empty for edge. As for sharing the code, we have alot of code, thousands of lilnes. We couldn’t share it here obviously in public and I’m not sure how we could share our entire codebase. The code works fine. It’s just that we never see logs and randomly an error pops up, exactly as the error in this post (Sporadic errors: "This edge function has crashed - The deployment failed while serving the request") - the screenshot there is exactly what we see. But nothing in the logs, so we can’t tell at all what is happening or why and we see no errors at all on our data providers. We are using NextJs Edge functions. from what I can tell Netlify transforms these into Deno functions on build, so seems like something with Deno??