Domain name purchase on accident

I just purchased a domain name which I didn’t intend to purchase. While trying to understand how the website works, I was looking into the different ways of purchasing a domain name. I ended up clicking the “purchase domain name” however I did not expect it to immediately charge me. There was no confirmation before hand and it is not a domain name I want or need. Is there a way for this to be reverted? I would hope that in the future all payments would be confirmed before hand.

Hi, @newwaveschi. We have no way to cancel the registration ourselves and we do not issue refunds for domain registrations or renewal unless we (Netlify) have made some error.

We do tell you the charge is immediate and not refundable.

Here is a screenshot of the confirmation page when adding through the domains page:

Here is the same confirmation page when adding domains through the sites page:

The button says “Register domain now”. It tells you we will charge the card on file when you click the button and that the transaction is non-refundable.

If there are other questions about this, please let us know.