"{domain name} or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team."

Hi, similar issue here. I’ve recently added a record to shared DNS of HackClub community - alopb.hackclub.com → alopb.netlify.app but I am unable to add it to Netlify. Here is my commit add alopb (#970) · hackclub/dns@a195025 · GitHub

Hey @Adimac93 , this is happening because the custom domain you’re trying to use already exists on Netlify under a different account.

If you have some idea of who might be using the domain (maybe a previous collaborator or an agency you’ve worked with in the past?), the quickest way to get this resolved is for you to contact that person directly and ask them to remove the domain from their account.

If you’re not sure, please verify domain ownership and let us know by responding here when that’s done. If the verification is successful we can remove the domain from the other account so you can use it on yours.

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Hi! I’m facing the same issue. Domain was removed on another account but I can’t add it in a new account.

Domain: internetaddicts.ru

I need to add a txt file named “verified-for-netlify” with link to this post, right?


The domain has been removed from the other account.

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I am facing similar issue. I deleted my previous account and created new one with the github account. But now I am not able to add domains again.

Domain : rbarsagade.tech

Can you please delete the domain from the now-deleted account ?

Hi, sure this is possible.

Can you please verify domain ownership and let us know by responding here when that’s done. If the verification is successful we can remove the domain from the other account so you can use it on yours.

I added this record for verification, I’m not sure if this is how it is supposed to be done

Hi, when I check this is what I see.

% host -t txt verified-for-netlify.rbarsagade.tech
Host verified-for-netlify.rbarsagade.tech not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

If it’s easier please in the tech box put the number: 82145/100

It seems to be working now…
Please try it out again

Hi, I’m facing the same issue: “Domain was removed on another account but I can’t add it to a new account”.

This is the domain name I want to add: xiaofan.me

I have added the DNS record according to the guide and hope to get your help, thanks.

Hi :wave:t6: thanks for reaching out. I have remove the domain from the other account. You should be able to add this now.

I can register properly now, thank you very much! :+1:

Hi @SamO
I’m still not able to use my domain.

To give clarity on the issue, I had set up multiple subdomains using netlify nameservers in my old account. But now that I have deleted that account, it should have been deleted, but I am not able to use my domains…

I had two domains set up on that account.
rbarsagade.tech (had multiple subdomains on this one like splittr.rbarsagade.tech, rms.rbarsagade.tech, etc)
and gsmbed.in

I would like netlify to clear out all the data related to that account so that I can use those domains in this fresh new account


@rohan-b-84, the domain has been removed from the old account.

Can you remove domain from other account so that i can add it again ? I don’t have credentials of other account.
domain: logicoinfotech.com

Hi @ifrahrao :wave:t6: thanks so much for reaching out!
Can you please verify domain ownership and let us know by responding here when that’s done. If the verification is successful we can remove the domain from the other account so you can use it on yours. This is what I see when I check for a txt record.

% host -t txt verified-for-netlify.logicoinfotech.com
Host verified-for-netlify.logicoinfotech.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Hi, I have the same issue here. I deleted my previous account without removing the domain.
Domain name : ngocdanh.net
I would like it to point to the new site: https://danhnotes.netlify.app.
I added the TXT record to my domain host.

Hi :wave:t6: welcome to the Netlify support forums! This is what I see…

% host -t txt verified-for-netlify.ngocdanh.net
Host verified-for-netlify.ngocdanh.net not found: 2(SERVFAIL)

Can you confirm the domain you wish to add and make sure you added the txt record?

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I have updated the txt record, can you check again for me?

@danh97 I’ve removed the domain from the other account, you should be able to successfully add it to your team.

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