Does hosting on netlify or other hosting company use my pc resource? and does it use my internet speed?

Does hosting on netlify or other hosting company use my pc resource??? and does it use my internet speed ?

Hi, @sokseyhaboth09, sites hosted at Netlify are served from our application delivery network (ADN). There is more about that here:

The hosted sites are not using your local resources when deployed on our service.

ohhh thank you sososo much for letting me know. 1 more thing does netfily effect my internet bandwidth ? (#i’manidiotforaskingthisquestion)

I am just a user like you, but other than uploading your files to Netlify and viewing them just as an any other user would, Netlify should have no impact on your personal internet usage.

If your personal internet is disabled or discontinued… your Netlify hosted site should continue fine regardless.

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