Dns propogation is not current

Hello, the A and AAAA records for www.pura-vida-services.com and pura-vida-services.com seems to be pointing correctly to Netlify.

In Netlify DNS, those are reflected by the NETLIFY and NETLIFYv6 DNS record. Those points to Netlify’s CDN and the IP address will differ depending on which point of presence it is connecting to.

It should look something like this on your Netlify DNS panel. These records will be automatically translated to the A and AAAA records of the nearest Netlify’s CDN to the requester.

From your original posts, it seems that you have issues with SSL on the booking.pura-vida-services.com subdomain? It seems that the subdomain is not served with Netlify, so your hosting provider should be the one issuing the TLS certificate for the subdomain.