Disabling javascript dependencies install

Hey @hrishikesh, thank you for the replay!
I have an existing codebase with some custom dependency bootstrapping strategy, that includes deleting previous node_modules + patching some of the packages.
That means that out of the box I’m “paying” for double dependencies install + caching behaviour that does not benefits me and takes a a lot of time.

What i’ve end up doing is:

  base = "trick-netlify/"
  publish = "../packages/web/build"
  command = "cd ../ && yarn bootstrap && yarn build:web"
  ignore = "exit 1"


Where trick-netlify contains minimal package.json that takes no time to install and to try and cache.

Controlling the deps installation & cacheing behaviour is part of any modern CI, the good ones also let you configure multiple separated caches with cache keys that are based on a hash of the lock file and other parameters.

Thanks again!
