I’m using astro, and netlify .
For one of the pages that imports like this:
Import * as O from "fp-ts/Option"
I get this error:
Directory import not supported resolving ES modules
I already set es build as bundler.
I’m using astro, and netlify .
For one of the pages that imports like this:
Import * as O from "fp-ts/Option"
I get this error:
Directory import not supported resolving ES modules
I already set es build as bundler.
I promise I searched first. Thanks
Okay so how is this a Netlify issue? Is there a way to reproduce this only on Netlify?
That is very inconvenient,because I can’t build a library of shared functions between backend and frontend. Isn’t there a way to tell astro to bundle the server side functions too?
It was not happening in my local astro dev, only on netlify build, so I wrongly assumed it was a netlify specific problem.
If you can provide a reproduction I can take a look, but this appears to be a Node.js limitation than a Netlify problem.