Different root between netlify dev and netlify depoy commands

If i run netlify deploy --build --prod everything works perfectly but if i run netlify dev function are missing and the command creates a “dist” folder in the monorepo root.

Starting from Netlify CLI version 16, all commands execute from the workspace root to replicate the build system’s behavior on Netlify. This change ensures consistency with the production build pipeline. Configurations in netlify.toml now use absolute paths anchored to the repository root.

When using netlify dev in a monorepo’s root directory, a site selection prompt appears, similar to the setup screen’s site picker. You can specify a particular site with --filter <site-name> or --filter <packagePath> flags for commands like dev, build, functions, etc., to run from the root, eliminating the need to change directories.

Issues with the dist folder location might arise due to netlify.toml configurations. Ensure paths declared in netlify.toml are absolute paths relative to the base directory. For instance, if netlify.toml specifies:

  publish = "dist"
  command = "npm run build"

Running netlify deploy from a package directory like services/ui-app/packages/app resolves dist from the monorepo root, not the package folder.

Adjust your build and deploy commands or netlify.toml to ensure dist is created and resolved correctly in the intended location.