Deployment using Node.js version different from the settings


In my recent pull request, my site build starts to fail. I checked the log, the error comes from unsupported pnpm version with NodeJS. In my deployment settings, I set the Node.js version as 20.x (I set this a long time ago, before this issue happened), but the deploy log says: Installing npm packages using pnpm version ERROR: This version of pnpm requires at least Node.js v18.12; The current version of Node.js is v16.20.2. How can I solve this?

Pull request: Fix Lang Switcher by Masterain98 · Pull Request #124 · DGP-Studio/Snap.Hutao.Docs · GitHub

Full deployment log: Netlify App

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out! It looks like you currently have a NODE_VERSION environment variable configured in your site settings that is set to version 16. Can you try removing that (at least for Deploy Previews) and let us know if that helps?

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Thank you! That’s the solution, I totally forgot that. Deployment is now all good.

pls why is my website, not painting anything to the dom, instead it shows white space

please elaborate on your issue by creating a new topic.