Deployment fails: Unzipped size must be smaller than 262144000 bytes

Hi Netlify team,

Our builds are not working since this last successful build: Deploy details | Netlify

See an example of a failed build here: Deploy details | Netlify

The error is: “Unzipped size must be smaller than 262144000 bytes”

However, the repository is not that big.

We tried reverting commits, but it did not lead to any result.

Could you help us here?

We are using NextJS

Site name: matchspace-prod

Deploy URL: Netlify App
Deploy ID: 63903e3727bdc900084a8116

Context: Production
Deployment Type: Github / Pull Request / Commit
Last Broken Deploy URL: Netlify App
Last Successful Deploy URL: Netlify App

Hi Netlify Team,

After retrying with “Clear cache and retry” I receive the new following error:

The function “___NETLIFY-HANDLER” is larger than the 50MB limit. Please consider reducing it.

Deployment id: 6388d7a2e5710e00089f8c9b
Deployment URL: Deploy details | matchspace-prod (

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Is the function > 50 MB? If so, you may need to reduce its size. You may want to try deploying without the function to see if that is the problem.

More info about debugging functions: [Support Guide] Netlify Lambda Functions 101 & Debugging

Hi @katrina-r ,

It is both the HTML and the Function.

However, we work with Storyblok which returns a lot of data and our front-end developers are not able to reduce its size. How can we increase the limitation?

Hi @matchspace-music

The size limit is an AWS limit and cannot be increased. You’ll need to take another look into reducing the size.