Figured this out for anyone who’s wondering. I’ve outlined the basic steps to update a single, index.html file and the process. I am using Postman on an iMac, incase thats relevant. Not going through authorization setup either.
Create new deploy for your site. You will need to generate the sha1 of the file. On my mac the command is
shasum index.html
Once you have your sha1, you will pass that into your POST to create the new deploy in the files object as application/json. Example below of what I put in the body
Now just send a POST request to this endpoint with above in the body
You will receive an id of the deploy in the return object. Grab the id. I refreshed the UI just to make sure it said ‘uploading’ in the new deploy. The next step will be to run a PUT request to that file name, match the SHA1, and then upload the file. The SHA’s are important to make sure the integrity of the file is there.
Netlify is atomic and likes to re-upload the entire site if anything is changed. In Postman, you can view the files of that deploy to make sure its working as a GET request.
You should get an array back with the files it expects with the sha1’s. Now time to upload your new index.html file. Send a new PUT request to the following with the final parameter being the file name. In our case, since the file name is ‘index.html’, the :file_name is ‘index.html’. It also expects the request to be type “Content-Type application/octet-stream”, and the body to be the file contents. In postman you can go into the Body tab, select binary, and locate your file. If you are using cURL, I believe you can use --data-binary “@index.html” or something like that. Not 100% on using cURL.
If there are spaces, make sure you encode. If you want to test before hand to make sure this is working, send a GET request to the same endpoint. It should return an object if successful with the SHA1. For example if you named a file “/”. To get this file, the final parameter will be “%20/” (without quotes)
If successful, it should return the same object. Check out the UI or your site to see the new changes.
Happy coding! If you have questions, please ping me. A lot of the api documentation is still being developed.