Deploy using file digest


is my site, but is not deployed for reference

im trying to deploy a new site to netlify using netlify api i am following Get started with the Netlify API | Netlify Docs

- POST /api/v1/sites/{site_id}/deploys
  "files": {
      "/index.html": "907d14fb3af2b0d4f18c2d46abe8aedce17367bd",
      "/main.css": "f18c2d7367bd9046abe8aedce17d14fb3af2b0d4",
  "functions": {"hello-world": "708b029d8aa9c8fa513d1a25b97ffb6efb12b423"}

is the example heres my attempt

var fileHash = '{"files":{"C:\Users\aaron\OneDrive\Desktop\node\getHash\test.txt" : "5a1519f5b36692e0ab3bed8dd63e4284c5cf2b14" }}'

var otheParam2 = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + myToken
body : fileHash,
 method: 'POST'

fetch(Url,otheParam2).then(function (response) {return response.json(); }).then(function (data) {console.log(data)});

the screenshot is my results, any tips?

Hi @aaronlilly84,

I’m not sure what the problem is here. Could you please eloborate?

when I post, with site Id using fetch()

I do not receive a deploy id in my response

I’m still confused, I can see that you’ve struck out the ID which means you got it in the response. There are other concerns with your API call, but I’ll like to get this one sorted before.

so your saying the id is the site id

hi there @aaronlilly84 - the site id that you crossed out in your screenshot is safe to share and is what hrishikesh is asking for so we can take a closer look. can you let us know what it is?

No, it’s the deploy ID. Site ID is mentioned below it.