Hi, new to netlify and testing the waters by deploying the ootb vue app but unfortunately I have
I have set my publish dir to dist and am running npm run build as my build command. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Site - https://wonderful-blackwell-b870b4.netlify.app/
Repo - https://github.com/daeyved/netlifytest
June 1, 2020, 6:27pm
Hi there,
Did you see this guide yet? This is the best place to start for “Page Not Found” issues.
Last reviewed by Netlify Support - August, 2023
Netlify attempts to lookup a file based on several xor filters, and when all of these fail, we end up serving a 404 page. For example, a request made to /example/ would check /example/index.html, /example.html, /example/home.html and several other combinations (not necessarily in the same order) before hitting the 404. However, in case you were not expecting a 404 at a particular URL, you might be interested in finding out the reason and potentia…
If you are still seeing issues after following the troubleshooting steps in this guide, please let us know!