Deploy log is not showing

netlify site name: & main–

・The Deploy log does not show at all: whether the deploy succeeds or not
It was working completely fine yesterday, but now it keep on showing “/” (loading)

・The “Why did it fail” button does not show anything ether.
・I am currently hosting 2 sites with my account, and this occurs in both sites.
・The logs for deploys that I have tried in the past are shown perfectly fine, this happens from today.
・Tested both in Safari and Chrome, so I guess it is not because of browser setting.

You are not the first person to have issues with logs @aki. @mono has had the same issue as noted in Deployments always skip build phase - #3 by mono

This indicates this is a wider issue with Netlify. Hang tight as Netlify’s team will remedy this in due course.

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