Deploy is building python from source but my site doesn't use python?

Site: keen-bhaskara-f5872f

When deploying my site Netlify is installing Python from source. Build times go from seconds to multiple minutes.

but I don’t use Python at all, so this seems to be the Netlify build system triggering this?

I only recently got around a similar problem by downgrading ruby.

Can I do anything about it?

11:42:20 PM: mise python@3.13.2   install
11:42:20 PM: mise WARN  no precompiled python found for 3.13.2, force mise to use a precompiled version with `mise settings set python.compile false`
11:42:20 PM: mise python@3.13.2   python-build
11:42:20 PM: Downloading Python-3.13.2.tar.xz...
11:42:20 PM: ->
11:42:22 PM: Installing Python-3.13.2...
11:44:34 PM: Installed Python-3.13.2 to /opt/buildhome/.local/share/mise/installs/python/3.13.2
11:44:35 PM: mise python@3.13.2   python --version
11:44:35 PM: mise python@3.13.2   Python 3.13.2
11:44:35 PM: mise python@3.13.2 ✓ installed
11:44:35 PM: Python version set to 3.13
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OK, I found the solution:


  • runtime.txt

containing the version number you want

  • 3.8

(3.8 seems to be the latest version of python available precompiled)