10:45:45 PM: Attempting node version '10 ’ from .nvmrc
10:45:46 PM: Version '10 ’ not found - try nvm ls-remote to browse available versions.
10:45:46 PM: Failed to install node version '10 ’
10:45:46 PM: failed during stage ‘building site’: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
10:45:46 PM: Error running command: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
10:45:46 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
Setting Node vesion via Env variable doesn’t help… Now the log is:
1:59:20 PM: Version ‘12.8.3’ not found - try nvm ls-remote to browse available versions.
1:59:20 PM: Failed to install node version ‘12.8.3’
1:59:20 PM: Error running command: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
Yes, that is expected. There is an internet-wide outage that is preventing our usage of node, no matter what version you want. I was just letting you know how to change it for once that clears up.
https://netlifystatus.com will track that problem for you, and the banner set in the community will link to that for as long as it is active as well: