@Scott thanks for the help, adding that parameter in does break the loop and having the null=null in the url should be fine for my current use case. Thanks!
I am attempting to configure a simple redirect which takes path parameters and exposes them as querystrings.
The configuration looks as follows and by my understanding should work
from = "/api/meta/:symbol/:tokenId"
to = "/.netlify/functions/meta?symbol=:symbol&tokenId=:tokenId"
force = true
status = 200
However when hitting the endpoint /api/meta/symbol/123
no querystrings are received by the function.
If I instead use /api/meta/symbol/123?symbol=sym&tokenId=123
they are.
Why does the redirect rule not correctly package the querystring values?
Hi @eddyoc,
To pass query strings like this, you’d need a 301 redirect. For example, you can check this out: https://hungry-austin-248205.netlify.app/. Add any path to it like: https://hungry-austin-248205.netlify.app/foo/bar
and you’d see the query string received by the function. It’s just doing JSON.stringify(event.queryStringParameters)
If you don’t wish to expose your function endpoint, you’d have to do another 301 back to the page that called it, but you probably won’t be able to return a JSON response this way. The recommended way to use query parameters with functions is the way you have already mentioned.
You can just do /api/meta/?symbol=sym&tokenId=123
and the query string will be received by the meta
I had this simple rule
/* fbclid=:fbclid /:splat 301!
to manage the mess that facebook adds to the url, but now it is no longer working in some mobile browsers ( firefox, chrome) although it works in brave.
There is a workaround for this to work again as expected?
Hi @samarul,
Did you try this:
Hi @hrishikesh,
Yes, I tried this, but this is not what I am looking for as it adds something to the URL and thus my analytics are changed. So I have mysite.com/mypage/
and mysite.com/mypage/?no-query-string
for the same URL
Hi @samarul,
Unfortunately, that’s the only way for now as we can’t make an informed decision on whether a user wants to remove the strings or not.
I’ve suggested what I think might be possible (add a configuration option to the TOML file), but waiting for the developers’ comments on it.
Even with that, I don’t know if/when this will change, so till then, you’d have to work with the extra string.
Any updates on how to remove the unwanted query strings in a “non-hacky” way?
I’m trying to redirect from https://my-app.netlify.app/?oauth_token=xyz&oauth_verifier=xzy
to https://my-app.netlify.app
in my netlify.toml file
My approach:
from = "/*"
to = "/:splat/?success"
query = {oauth_token = ":token", oauth_verifier = ":verifier"}
force = true
This kinds works…it results in https://my-app.netlify.app?success
. But how can I remove the ?success
There’s no other way (except JavaScript) at the moment.
It looks like this was implemented not just for configured redirects, but ALL 301 and 302 redirects, even responses from serverless functions? Can you confirm?
If so, I’m sorry but this is a poor implementation. When implementing an oAuth flow, the 3rd party authorization servers issues a 302 redirect back to our serverless function with code, state etc as query parameters. Those parameters get validated, and we redirect the user to the initial page they were trying to reach, or a default after-login page.
But we can’t seem to be getting rid of those oAuth query params! The end URL is full of oAuth garbage. Worse, the behavior is different in production vs dev environment. This doesn’t happen when using Netlify dev.
Is there truly no way to turn off this quirky behavior? This is nuts.
For anyone struggling with this issue, here’s an edge function that fixes the problem. It detects the Netlify query string redirect behavior by comparing incoming request and outgoing response query params on 301s and 302s, and strips the query string the location header value if the parameters are identical.
We didn’t want this behavior at all, so this works for us, but you might want to add a filter to this logic to conditionally apply this behavior based on specific paths.
Finally, beware that you will only be able to test this behavior when running on Netlify CDN. Dev environment does not exhibit the behavior.
Netlify automatically appends origin query parameters to
all redirected URLs if a query string is not present in the redirected URL
This handler fixes it by removing the query string from the redirected URL if the parameters are identical
export default async (request, context) => {
const url = new URL(request.url);
if(!url.search) return;
console.log(`Incoming URL: ${request.url}`);
let res = await context.next();
const location = res.headers.get('location'),
redirectedQueryString = location?.slice(location.indexOf('?'));
console.log(`Redirected URL: ${location}`);
const params = new URLSearchParams(redirectedQueryString);
// Compare incoming and outgoing query parameters
let identical = true;
for(const [key, value] of url.searchParams.entries()){
if(params.get(key) !== value){
console.log(`Incoming and redirected query params are different: ${key}=${value} vs ${params.get(key)}`);
identical = false;
console.log("Found identical query strings, stripping the redirect URL query string");
res.headers.set('location', location.split('?')[0]);
return res;
console.log("Incoming and redirected query params are different, not altering location");