I previously had an issue with Netlify Forms which I ended up solving myself, however, anytime I try to make an Ajax call via fetch, I’m redirected to Netlify’s success page
I think I came across this article (the one you recommended to me) and that’s not exactly what I want to accomplish: I want to 1) validate the form and 2) keep the user within the /contact page.
@coelmay after a few hours struggling with this issue, I think I found the answer. Please check out the code snippet below:
<!-- Add a hidden field with an input containing the name of the form -->
<input type="hidden" name="form-name" value="contact" />
hey @th3N0m4d - i think what coel is trying to say is that there are actually a lot of people who aren’t men in these forums and on the netlify teams, and we want to make sure not to overlook their contributions